
124 Audio Reviews

89 w/ Responses

Let's see here

As i'm listening to this, it doesn't sound bad, first thing i noticed is that that the bass synth at the start might be a little bit too low. it gives it a unique sound tho.
i like the diversity in this song. also the kick sounds a little bit dull.
This just needs a little bit of work here and there.
Keep it up!

9/10 5/5

PS: Would you mind checking out my latest track?
It's a dance remix of the megaman 3 stage select theme.

Peace out.

Anth0n responds:

Be honest and let me know if it sucks so I can make it better. When people review and then ask me to check out their stuff, I feel like they're being easy with the reviewing.


MY OPINION ON THIS IS THAT I BELIEVE THAT YOU HAVE QUITE A GREAT WORK IN PROGRESS THERE. MY CRITIQUE IS THAT YOU NEED TO FINISH THIS AND SEND ME A PM WHEN YOU'VE DONE SO, SO I CAN CHECK IT OUT. Seriously tho, great job on what you've got so far. i'm enjoying this. Not sure what's with all the people downvoting today guess it's because it's tuesday. Oh well. in any case keep it up!

5/5 10/10

PS: Would you mind checking out my latest track?
It's a dance remix of the megaman 3 stage select theme

Peace out.

Rawrthaas responds:

wellll sure!


I cannot describe with words how much i love this song, and how great this remix is. Absolutely amazing! THANK YOU. 10/10 5/5 fav'd & Downloaded.
Nothing bad i can say about this at all. Great choice of instruments, sound levels are perfect. IMHO this deserves top 5.

Keep it up!

Ps: Would you mind checking out my latest track?
It's a dance remix of the megaman 3 stage select theme. Thanks!

Peace out.

GenoWhirled responds:

Thanks so much, bro, you made my day with this post.

Very nice.

Wow, i'd have to say you did an amazing job on this, the thing about this tho is that the kick is kind of distorted, you might want to down the volume on that just a bit, also i can barely hear the vocals. the melody on this is incredible, i love it.
all in all you did a great job on it!

5/5 9.5/10

PS: Would you mind checking out my latest track?
It's a remix of the megaman 3 stage select theme.

Peace out.

elektrobear responds:

Thanks for the review!

I agree on the distortion, but sadly I lost the project file in a hd crash so I can't go back and touch it up. As for the vocals, I think it's a subvertive thing where I really dislike my own voice so I turn it down until it blends in enough for me to enjoy it. Also, the vocals are chopped up and reversed and effected to the point where it's just gibberish. It's more adding to the mix rather carrying it imo.

Appreciate the feedback!



I really like the sound of this, my only (Small) complaint about this tho is that at 0:40 everything kicks in it's kind of unexpected, but it still sounds great. i'm generally not really into this genre but i'm interested in how the finished version of this is going to sound, so throw me a PM when you've finished it or i'll check back myself every now and then!

5/5 9/10

PS: Would you mind checking out my latest track?
It's a remix of the megaman 3 stage select theme.

Peace out.

sculpted-cold responds:

yeah, you're right about the 40 second mark. I'm still in the process of writing the guitar parts and I have a new drum patch that I'm going to be using as well. thanks for the rate/review, i'll check your song out right now!

Not bad.

That's a quite good first attemt even tho it sounds more like a fast paced dance song rather than DnB. I still think you did a pretty good job at it. but if you want to mess around with DnB i suggest you look some drums up, i'd suggest Amen Break, and look up some tutorials maybe.
In any case it's a good first attempt.

5/5 9/10

PS: Would you mind checking out my latest track?
It's a remix of the megaman 3 stage select theme.

Peace out.

DJ-Fr0stbite responds:

Thanks for the review :) and yeah lol i wasn't quite sure what category to pu this in, so i kinda thought of DnB, so wtvr lol. but yeah i will take the drums suggestion for future songs. thanks, and yeah it is my first attempt. also, i did check out your song.



Definitely not bad, it might be a tad loud tho, i can hear a bit of distortion here and there (Not sure if it was intentional or not)
It has a really nice sound to it, reminds me alot of the oil ocean zone in sonic 2.
I'll be downloading this :)
Accidently clicked 4/5 instead of 5/5, sorry about that lol

Peace out

PS: Would you mind checking out my latest song? It's a remix of the megaman 3 stage select screen. :)

CaptainSquareBox responds:

I had to keep my laptop turned down due to sleeping family last night, so I guess I never actually heard how loud it was until this morning. As of the distortion, I couldn't hear that either. I need good headphones.

Thanks for the comment!

Not bad at all.

I'd have to say that i'm definitely not a fan of hip hop at all.
But nonetheless i think you did a great job on it.
I don't have any criticism on this.
Keep it up!

- Noisebringer

Not bad dude :>

Not bad at all, i can tell that it's very experimental, but i like it quite a bit lol.
Also i can't really understand the vocals at all lol.
Nontheless, nice one :3c

ElectroLord99 responds:

lol yeah, the vocals are pretty hard to understand on purpose :P because alot of german style songs have strange unknown vocals so i was like hey hey lets try it :)
they actually say "you win with deadly bass"
but it sounds like alot of things haha
thanks for listening :D

Not bad, not bad.

I'd have to say it's quite nice. you might want to change some of the build-ups / breakdowns a bit tho, it somewhat lacks Imho, also you might want to have a tiny bit more variation in the melody.
And i completely agree with the fact that we need the possibility to choose hardstyle as a genre indeed.
Seemingly as i'm a hardstyle producer myself, it's rather irritating.
Anyways, Good job :)

VelociD responds:

It's actually a work in progress, therefore its more like a rough draft :D.
Variation is what i usually don't add until I'm finished or have some very cool ideas.

Thx for your review.

The most boring person you'll probably never meet.

Noisebringer @weemeee

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