
89 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Definitely not bad, it might be a tad loud tho, i can hear a bit of distortion here and there (Not sure if it was intentional or not)
It has a really nice sound to it, reminds me alot of the oil ocean zone in sonic 2.
I'll be downloading this :)
Accidently clicked 4/5 instead of 5/5, sorry about that lol

Peace out

PS: Would you mind checking out my latest song? It's a remix of the megaman 3 stage select screen. :)

CaptainSquareBox responds:

I had to keep my laptop turned down due to sleeping family last night, so I guess I never actually heard how loud it was until this morning. As of the distortion, I couldn't hear that either. I need good headphones.

Thanks for the comment!

Not bad dude :>

Not bad at all, i can tell that it's very experimental, but i like it quite a bit lol.
Also i can't really understand the vocals at all lol.
Nontheless, nice one :3c

ElectroLord99 responds:

lol yeah, the vocals are pretty hard to understand on purpose :P because alot of german style songs have strange unknown vocals so i was like hey hey lets try it :)
they actually say "you win with deadly bass"
but it sounds like alot of things haha
thanks for listening :D

Not bad, not bad.

I'd have to say it's quite nice. you might want to change some of the build-ups / breakdowns a bit tho, it somewhat lacks Imho, also you might want to have a tiny bit more variation in the melody.
And i completely agree with the fact that we need the possibility to choose hardstyle as a genre indeed.
Seemingly as i'm a hardstyle producer myself, it's rather irritating.
Anyways, Good job :)

VelociD responds:

It's actually a work in progress, therefore its more like a rough draft :D.
Variation is what i usually don't add until I'm finished or have some very cool ideas.

Thx for your review.


It makes me sad to see that you make happy music (SADPANDA)
Nah jk lol, it has a pretty nice 8-bit ish feeling to it, Nice and simple.
PS. I kinda completely fucked my MSN up, i'm unable to reinstall it for some reason
so PM me or wha t ever so we can get this collab started already ;)

Peace out ~ Ravi.

ElectroLord99 responds:

but but but i is be happy rofl


Keep on practicing dude, your melody sounds pretty damn false when the kick comes in at 3:17, it doesn't sound too bad in general, but you've really gotta work on alot of things, it sounds more like hardtrance as it is right now rather than hardstyle, I like how you tried remaking the intro of Headhunterz's Psychedelic sounds pretty much alike, in any case the track itself could be way worse, you just need alot of practice. Keep it up dude.

Greetz ~ [Noisebringer]

KrazeyOne responds:

Thanks for the review, man. I'm glad you caught on to the intro. That's kinda how I came up with the songs name. XD Again, thanks for the rev; I'll be sure to work at it. :D


To be honest with you this somehow sounds really familliar :P i don't know where i remember it from tho lol.. The buildup is veryyyyyy long xD but that doesn't change the fact that you've done a very good job at it :) It feels a bit empty tho from 3:02 can't really tell what's missing Dx
Anyways: 9/10 5/5 :)
Grtz ~ [W]

DavidRx responds:

haha indeed the buildup is way long :P
thx :D i put alot of work on this
hmmm i dunno whut to put more on 3:02 o.o
but i know whut i did i just cut some of the bass score so only it wud sidechain the kick...tryed to be original xD

thx for the review ^^


Zeker niet slecht gozer :P alleen 't intro is een beetje erg lang, en 't is erg willekeurig. Maar zoals 'k al zei, Zeker niet slecht :D

billyburf responds:

thx thx thxP


I'd have to say it's pretty damn nice. the only "bad" thing about it is that you were using the basic kick :P but besides that it's pretty damn epic x)
5/5 ;)

Grtz ~ [W]

DjSini responds:

ye i know, the funny part is that i tried alot of kicks for this but only the basic high pitch kick seems to fit



I definately like the intro & The bass is very nice to be honest :P
Thing is tho.. the main problem is that the synth you're using doesnt fit very well with the bass that's going on in the song, Sometimes i get the feeling that you've used a little bit too much FX too. Besides that it's still a class song. I can tell that you've worked on this for 3 days ;P Feel free to mail me the final one or summat xD
(And i know i'm not on MSN alot, i've got my reasons ;P)
Anyhow overall it's a pretty great song.

Grtz ~ Ravi.

ElectroLord99 responds:

lol yeah most of the time spent on this song was getting that bass so nice, it's a secret how i made it though ^^
thanks for the review bro :)

happy T_T

Meh you know me, it's a bit too happy for me. but it's still an awesome remix ;P
You should really try & get some new plugins ^^ for improved awesomeness hehe
Anyways good job :3

Ciao bitch! -Ravi.

ElectroLord99 responds:


The most boring person you'll probably never meet.

Noisebringer @weemeee

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